For Best Results
Please use these tips!

Instruct students to draw either a portrait or a stick figure with minimal details using our drawing template. Use a pencil first, then trace with a fine-tip sharpie and erase pencil marks. These drawings may not have any extra items in the square. The student's name will look best if it is not crowded or smushed up next to the drawing. Also, avoid having the student's drawings touch the dividing lines on the drawing template sheet.

Shirt colors / Ink Colors
Best color combos are light shirts with a darker ink color. For example yellow shirts with bright blue ink or light gray with with bright green. Light blue with purple is also a great combo. We also love monotone color contrasts like light green shirts with dark green ink and light pink shirts with hot pink, light blue with navy ink also looks great. The brighter the shirt the better when using for field trips so you can easily spot all your kiddos.

Drawing mishaps
We need the drawings to be as simple as possible. When they are colored in or have shaded areas on the drawing, those will come out more solid in ink. So, if you have a student who colors in a lot of their drawing, they will not be able to see their drawing's details well. I also advise against younger students drawing first with a Sharpie marker to avoid this. Every drawing needs to be traced in Sharpie or thick black ink before being scanned to us.

Ink colors we do not advise
Traditionally white ink needs to be flash dried and printed a second time which we cannot do with our portable set up. That being said it does not show up as crisp as we would hope for. We are able to print white for you but know it might not be the best option. We will not be able to print with our neon colors on dark shirts for this same reason.